What Gym Backpack Is The Best? Find out now!

Anytime I come across an amazing product/company I want to share it with people so they can experience the awesomeness. So this time I came across a gym backpack that I absolutely love and use just about everyday.

If you are in need of a gym, travel, work, or any other type of bag I would highly recommend checking out this company. You can check them out here:

https://kingkongapparel.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjw-4_mBRBuEiwA5xnFIFKpZznQwWgQCDS9ppDQBeH1N_hfYC4r_LHKUf5pEvBXCk35Fp55PhoCeg0QAvD_BwE&aff=44 (This is an affiliate link)

Check out the review on the backpack below!

61 Jump Rope Tricks and Combos For Beginners to Advanced - Part 1

Are you ready to learn some new jump rope skills?

Jump rope skills are not just for show. They help you build coordination, agility, and footwork. They also raise the intensity of your workouts making them even more effective.

Learning new skills can be challenging….but that’s what makes it fun! If it was easy everyone would do it, right?

Learning new skills also makes you much more aware of your form and technique, which in turn will help you perform at a much higher level over time.

So check out this video, pick a jump rope trick or two to learn and comment with which ones you chose. It’s time to spice up your workouts!

Go jump on it!

10 Min Full Body Morning Workout To Jump Start Your Day

Whether you like to do your workout in the morning or in the afternoon makes no difference.

Here is a fun full body jump rope and body weight workout that will only take 10 minutes. Follow along below.

How To Skip Like A Boxer | 4 Tips To Mastering Jump Rope

If you have wanted to master the jump rope and flow like a pro boxer, then this video will help. I am giving my top 4 tips. These are the same strategies that I used when I first started jumping rope 10+ years ago and they allowed me to quickly grow my skills. I am confident they will for you too IF you implement them.

In order to grow your skills quickly, you have to pay attention to the small things and work on them relentlessly. I can tell you it's worth it because after a while it all becomes automatic and that's when it gets really fun. No more thinking about technique, rarely tripping on the rope, and knowing what to fix when you do. Now you get to just flow and get creative while learning new skills. 

Check out the video below!

Lose Weight with Jump Rope | 10 Min Beginner Jump Rope Workout

Wondering how to get started?

It doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be as simple as grabbing a jump rope and practicing for 10-20 minutes. The important thing to remember is not to do too much too fast. That is when overuse injuries can occur and we don’t want that.

Here is a perfect beginner jump rope workout that you can follow along with to get started. Perform 1-4 rounds of this workout. Once you build up your stamina and skill set to the 4 rounds, you can take on the 30 Day Challenge on the website.

Let’s Do This!

How To Make New Years Resolutions and Succeed!

If you aren’t setting goals for yourself then you’re selling yourself short. The world we live in is incredibly fast paced and if we don’t purposefully focus on growing and improving in various areas of life, we will quickly find ourselves falling behind.

The problem is most people don’t know how to set a goal properly. If you only make a statement to yourself about something that you would like to achieve, statistics show there is a high chance you will never reach it. You need to write your goal down and devise a plan in order to raise the likelihood of ever reaching it.

So how do you do that?

You do it by creating a S.M.A.R.T. Goal. This is a framework that guides you through the process of goal setting that helps set you up for success. I created a video that you can watch below that describes why making a SMART goal is so valuable and how to do it.

You can also Download this FREE PDF I created of the SMART goal framework so you can begin creating goals to crush this new year!

2 LB Jump Rope and Ab Tabata Workout

Heavy jump ropes are great for raising the intensity of workouts and that is exactly what we are doing in this one. In conjunction with the heavy rope we are going to crush those abs. I have included multiple different ab exercises at the end of the video that you can use to substitute in the other rounds.

If you don’t have a heavy rope, use whatever you have!

Let’s Do This!


The Best Jump Rope For Beginners | The #1 Feature You Need To Learn Quickly

Learning how to jump rope can be an intimidating. You see tons of videos of people killing it and then you pick up a gym rope to give it a shot only to find out that you really suck at it.

The first problem is grabbing a gym rope. They are typically cheap ropes that were chosen at random to fill a spot on the wall. Rope selection is huge if you want to be able to learn how to jump rope quickly and eliminate as much frustration as possible. The second problem is the mass confusion when looking for a jump rope online trying to wade through the HUNDREDS of jump rope options all claiming to be the best.

Here’s the good news. I did the work for you breaking my top two picks down to a single feature that your jump rope must have. The even better news is that it doesn’t have to break the bank. My top two picks are from each end of the price spectrum, so all needs will be met.

Check out this video that shares what you need to look for and gives you two rope options to help you get started.